Grant Opportunities

Asian Office of Aerospace Research and Development (AOARD)
AOARD is the International Office of the Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR), the Basic Research Technology Directorate of the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL). Located in Tokyo, Japan, the AOARD mission is to Find and Fund groundbreaking basic research and Foster collaboration between AFRL scientists and engineers with their counterparts in East Asian and Western Pacific countries.

Robert Gordon University(RGU), United Kingdom
Robert Gordon University is an innovative, inclusive, impactful and professionally-focused institution focused on demand-led teaching and research.

International Atomic Enrergy Agency (IAEA)
The International Atomic Energy Agency is the world's central intergovernmental forum for scientific and technical co-operation in the nuclear field. It works for the safe, secure and peaceful uses of nuclear science and technology, contributing to international peace and security and the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals.

Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS)
The Chinese Academy of Sciences is the linchpin of China’s drive to explore and harness high technology and the natural sciences for the benefit of China and the world. Comprising a comprehensive research and development network, a merit-based learned society and a system of higher education, CAS brings together scientists and engineers from China and around the world to address both theoretical and applied problems using world-class scientific and management approaches.

JFE Steel Corporation
Contributing to society with the world's most innovative technology.
Read more on JFE Steel Corporation

Asia Pasific Network (APN) for Global Change Research
As a network, we engage with governments, research institutions, scientists and practitioners across our member countries and beyond.

Natural Environment Research Council (NERC)
The Natural Environment Research Council is the UK's largest funder of independent environmental science, training and innovation, delivered through universities and research centres.

Centre for Research Excellence: Indigenous Sovereignty and Smoking (COREISS)
The Centre for Research Excellence: Indigenous Sovereignty and Smoking (COREISS) is a private registered company based in Auckland, New Zealand. It was established in June 2018 by Dr. Marewa Glover, with a grant from the tobacco industry-funded Foundation for a Smoke-Free World (FSFW). FSFW calls itself an independent scientific organisation aimed at “accelerating the end of smoking,” but is solely funded by tobacco giant Philip Morris International (PMI). COREISS is one of multiple “Centres of Excellence” set up with Foundation funding as hubs for research on tobacco control and harm reduction.

Global Challenges Research Fund
The Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF) supports cutting-edge research to address challenges faced by developing countries. It is part of the UK’s official development assistance (ODA) and is managed by the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy.

International Development Research Center (IDRC|CRDI) Canada
We invest in high-quality research, share knowledge globally, and mobilize alliances for a more sustainable and inclusive world.
Part of Canada’s foreign affairs and development efforts, we fund and support high-quality research in developing countries, share knowledge with researchers and policymakers to inform local and global action, and mobilize alliances to drive global positive change.
The grant is already facilitate on Artificial Intelligence framework for threat assessment and containment for COVID-19 and future epidemics while mitigating the socio-economic impact to women, children, and underprivileged groups
project on Faculty of Engineering, University of Peradeniya.
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Horizon 2020: European Green Deal Call
The European Commission tables €1 billion under Horizon 2020 to respond to the climate crisis, provide more protection to Europe’s biodiversity and habitats under threat, and accelerate a sustainable recovery.