Horizon Europe
The new Framework Programme for Research & Innovation of the European Union, called ‘Horizon Europe’ is expected to start beginning of May 2021 for a seven-year long period.
‘Horizon Europe’ is one of the largest ever funding instruments (€ 95.5 Billion). Mostly applied research and innovation will be funded under ‘Horizon Europe’, covering a wide spectrum of scientific disciplines.
Researchers from Sri Lanka can participate in ‘Horizon Europe’ and can benefit from the funding it provides, as it was the case with the ending predecessor Programme ‘Horizon 2020’: Researchers and research entities from Sri Lanka took already part in 5 grants receiving an amount of approx. € 1.5 Million for their involvement (current, not final data).
More on:
Basic info on the overall structure of HEU and on the ways to participate
Promotional video on HEU:
Horizon Europe - The EU-Sri Lanka Innovation Partnership project
The EU-Sri Lanka Innovation Partnership project (EU-SLIP) is organizing an online Information Day on the new EU's Framework Programme for Research and Innovation "Horizon Europe". The attached Announcement and Agenda provide further information on the event.
For registering please send an email to george.bonas@ceriss.eu
More information:
- 13th October 2021 from 12.30 pm to 4.30 pm (SL Time)
- Announcement Info Day HE 2021_Sri Lanka Click here
- Agenda Info Day Horizon Europe_Sri Lanka Click here
Awareness Programmes
12th March 2021, 13.00 - 14.00 - Webinar - Horizon Europe: general introductionIn this first step the following issues were addressed:
- The genesis of Horizon Europe and first steps of implementation
- Structure: (Pillar 1: Excellent Science; Pillar 2: Global Challenges and European Industrial Competitiveness; Pillar 3: Innovative Europe
- R&I Missions and EU Partnerships Web link
24th March 2021, 10.00 am Central European Time. - Webinar - How to prepare a successful proposal in Horizon Europe