InRO News
The visit of the New Zealand Deputy High Commissioner, Andrew Traveller and Ms. Melanie Phillips, Counsellor (Agriculture) - South Asia
| 04th October 2022
New Zealand Deputy High Commissioner, Mr. Andrew Traveller, visited the University of Peradeniya on October 04th 2022. Mr. Traveller was accompanied by Ms. Melanie Phillips, Counsellor (Agriculture) for South Asia, who is based in the New Zealand High Commission, New Delhi in India.
The Deputy High Commissioner was welcomed by Prof. MD. Lamawansa, Vice Chancellor, University of Peradeniya. Prof. EMASB. Ekanayake, Acting Deputy Vice Chancellor, University of Peradeniya, Prof. Sarath S. Kodithuwakku, Dean, Faculty of Agriculture, Prof. PG. Anil Pushpakumara, Dean, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science, Prof. CNRA. Alles, Director, International Relations Office, Prof. Nayana Wijayawardhane, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Sciences, Prof. CK. Beneragama, Head of the Department of Crop Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Dr. BR. Fernando, Head of the Department of Veterinary Public Health & Pharmacology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science and Dr. Harsha Ariyaratne, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Sciences, participated in the meeting. Existing collaborations with the Universities of New Zealand and the close relationship with the Massey University were explained by the academic staff members. The Vice Chancellor discussed the close relationship between New Zealand Universities and the University of Peradeniya. Possible future collaborations including research and academic exchange were discussed at the brief meeting. Deputy High Commissioner, Mr. Andrew Traveller and Ms. Melanie Phillips, Counsellor (Agriculture), conveyed their greetings to the University of Peradeniya and expressed their interest in strengthening inter-university collaboration between our two countries, and identifying potential opportunities to do so.