InRO News
Visit of the Delegates from Queensland University of Technology (QUT), Australia
| 25th April 2023
| 25th April 2023
Delegates from Queensland University of Technology, Australia has visited University of Peradeniya at 25th of April 2023. The visit was scheduled as a meeting and the faculty visits for Faculty of Science and the Faculty of Engineering were made at the University of Peradeniya.
The delegates from the Queensland University of Technology have participated at the meeting that was held at the Vice chancellor’s office. The meeting was initiate by the acting Vice chancellor Prof. WM.Terrence Madhujith, made an introduction about the history and the courses that undergoing the faculties, and the other staff members that participated has explained about the collaboration opportunities form both sides. The introductory presentations about both universities were presented at the Senate room, University of Peradeniya. After the general meeting the delegates from QUT has joined the faculty visit at Faculty of Science and the Faculty of Engineering.
Delegates from the Queensland University of Technology, Professor Ian Ohara, Deputy Dean, Faculty of Engineering, Prof Les Dawes, Head of School, Civil and Environment Engineering, Professor Yuan Tang Gu, Head of School, Mechanical, Medical and Process Engineering, Associate Professor Ajay Pandey, School of Electrical Engineering and Robotics, Professor Troy Farrell Executive Dean, Faculty of Science, Associate Professor Jim Hogan, Associate Dean Teaching and Learning, Associate Professor Jennifer MacLeod, Head of School, School for Chemistry and Physics , Ms. Marina McKeague, Client Manager, International Office and Ms. Malshani Perera, Country Manager, International Office have participated in the event.
Prof. W.M.Terrence Madhujith, the acting Vice-Chancellor, University of Peradeniya, Prof. Vasanthi Pinto, Dean, Faculty of Medicine, Prof. CNRA. Alles, Director of International Relations Office (InRO), Prof. CMB. Dematawewa, Director of Postgraduate Institute of Agriculture (PGIA), Prof. Roshan G. Ragel, Head of the Department of Computer Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Dr. Panduka Neluwala, Director of the Sri Lanka-Japan Study Centre, Dr. Damayanthi Herath, Faculty of Engineering, Dr. Dimanthi Uduwela, Faculty of Science, Mr. K.A.B. Damunupola, PGIA and the staff members of InRO of the University of Peradeniya, participated in the event.