InRO News
Webinar on Higher Studies and Research Opportunities at IIT Bombay, India
| 26 March 2021
International Relations Office together with the Office of International Relations, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay (IITB), India organized a webinar on “Higher Studies and Research Opportunities at IIT Bombay, India on 26th March 2021 as an online event via ZOOM. The objective of this event was to introduce opportunities and Life at IITB to prospective students.
IIT Bombay is India's #1 and a world-renowned technical Institute. The Institute provides attractive Fellowships for pursuing Master/PhD in various engineering and science disciplines. These Fellowships help strengthen the strong linkages that India and Sri Lanka share since ancient time.
Prof. S. Sudarshan, Deputy Director, IITB, Prof. P. Pant, Dean Academic Programmes, Prof. A. Agrawal, Dean International Relations, IITB delivered speeches at the session. Many interested participants including staff and students joined in this programme.